Always over estimate your expenses and under estimate your income. Set savings goals, both short term and long term. Think about future, figure out how investments help you in future. First, clear all your debts. Calculate your debts and try to clear in easy installments.
Make a time frame to achieve your goals. Set a target to accomplish a short goal and make sure that you achieve it. Figure out how much you will save per week and for every thing you want to buy.
Always keep a record of your expenses. Write down every thing you have spend your money on, do not leave small purchases. This gives you clear idea and can restrict the unnecessary expenses. Check whether you have saved enough for your short and long-term goals.
Never use credit cards. Pay everything using cash or demand drafts. Do not even use checks, as you may not know how much balance is left in the account. You cannot stop your temptations when you have a credit card. The interest rates and other charges for using the credit cards are huge.
If you get unexpected amount set it aside and focus on your saving plans. Open a savings account and put your money in that. You will also get interest for that.
Always shop with a predetermined shopping list.
Make a time frame to achieve your goals. Set a target to accomplish a short goal and make sure that you achieve it. Figure out how much you will save per week and for every thing you want to buy.
Always keep a record of your expenses. Write down every thing you have spend your money on, do not leave small purchases. This gives you clear idea and can restrict the unnecessary expenses. Check whether you have saved enough for your short and long-term goals.
Never use credit cards. Pay everything using cash or demand drafts. Do not even use checks, as you may not know how much balance is left in the account. You cannot stop your temptations when you have a credit card. The interest rates and other charges for using the credit cards are huge.
If you get unexpected amount set it aside and focus on your saving plans. Open a savings account and put your money in that. You will also get interest for that.
Always shop with a predetermined shopping list.